In information systems, a tag is a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information This kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found  Meta data in tag, What are meta tags — and how to optimize them

Meta data in tag. How to use meta tags to optimize your search results

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Properties of the MetaDefinition object match the attributes of the HTML tag. These tags define document metadata that is important for things like 
The description meta tag is another important SEO element, but less so than the title. You can add Open Graph tags by defining the `property` attribute in the 
Unsere Empfehlung: Fokussieren Sie sich immer darauf die Suchenden davon zu überzeugen, Ihre Webseite zu besuchen. Fragen Sie sich: Welchen Seitentitel fänden  Meta Tags in 2025: Why are They Important in SEO?
Metadata and tags you should include in your website · Supported Metadata · Fields by Type · Main Page Content · Title · Description · Tags & Keywords · Created  Big ass bubble butt bbw face . An Important Note about META tags and this function : if your META tag contains newline "\n" characters, get_meta_tags() will return a NULL value for that name  WOM ist Weltmarktführer in Teilbereichen der Minimal Invasiven Chirurgie. The one page guide to HTML meta tags: usage, examples, links, snippets, and more.
HTML Meta Tags. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. HTML lets you specify metadata additional important information about a document in a variety of ways. The 
Improved organization: Metadata tagging can help businesses organize digital assets by adding descriptive information such as keywords, titles, and descriptions 
In WordPress, metadata is information about your posts, pages, users, comments, and other items on your site. For example, a post's metadata would include 
Meta tags. Meta tags is one of the tags you put in the header of the page. On occasion you can read that meta tags aren't necessary for the page, but that is a 
The meta description tag provides a brief summary of the webpage's content and is displayed below the title in search engine results. It should also be relevant 
Meta Tags. A meta tag is an HTML tag that describes the content on a webpage. Meta tags can be viewed by selecting View/Source from the menu of a browser. Company/Service Meta Tags · ClaimID · Apple Meta Tags · Internet Explorer Meta Tags · Google Meta Tags · TweetMeme Meta Tags · Blog Catalog Meta Tags · Rails 
Tipps für die Optimierung der Meta Description. Die Meta Description wird in Suchmaschinen als schwarzer Text ausgegeben. Die Länge des Textes ist jedoch auf  What are Title Tags and Meta Descriptions? Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are bits of HTML code in the header of a web page. They help search engines 

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descriptions Google supports both page level meta tags and tag attributes
Explore a list of the special tags that Google Search can support
meta tag in html – what is metadata and Meta tags are an important part of a solid SEO strategy
Although some tags might not have a direct impact on rankings
they do impact how your site appears  Das Meta Tag Content Type/Language hat großen Einfluss auf die Sprache der Website in Bezug auf die Zielgruppe
So kann hierbei festgelegt werden
dass der  The meta tag is used in an HTML document to provide high level metadata about the web page
information that describes the web page in a meaningful way that  Meta Tags bzw
Meta Elemente sind für Suchmaschinen auslesbare Meta Informationen über eine Webseite und dienen zur besseren Durchsuchbarkeit und  The meta tag contains information about the document
Google understands a standard set of meta tags
You can use custom meta tags to provide Google with  Meta elements are tags used in HTML and XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page
They are part of a web pages head section
In technical terms
meta tags are simple portions of HTML code located in the headers of the web page
They are short sections of text describing the content on  Using Meta Tag Plugins
There are several Plugins that allow the blog administrator to set the keywords
and other meta tags to be unique on each  Definition Meta Tags werden bei der Erstellung von HTML oder XHTML Webseiten als Elemente im Header verwendet
um den Inhalt der Seite genauer zu beschreiben
Interview Questions & Answer
How meta tag is important for SEO
HTML meta tags describes the metadata of the HTML page where it contains page description
  The data may contain search queries keywords
so it gives us an opportunity to optimize meta tags
keeping in mind that search engines treat web  Meta tags
Meta tags hold information on how the browser should render the page
They also let you control what the crawler of a search engine should index and  Teilt jemand Ihre Website
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